- >China Issues Action Plan for Big Data Development2015-09-25
- >Innovation Index Ranks China 29th2015-09-24
- >IP Sector Encouraged to Take Advantage of Internet, Big Data2015-09-24
- >Industry Design Data of China Integrated into DesignView2015-09-16
- >235 Sound Mark Applications Received Following Implementation of the Revised Chinese Trademark Law2015-09-11
- >China's Efforts on International Standard Copyright Protection Acknowledged2015-09-11
- >Increasing Requests for Patent Evaluation2015-09-11
- >SPC to Innovate IP Court System2015-09-11
- >Applications of Design Patent Evaluation Report Reached to 10 Thousand2015-09-02
- >Invention Expo Focuses on Patent Commercialization2015-08-24
- >Electronic Evidence: a New Basis for Judging Patent Infringement2015-08-19
- >IP Professionals Officially Incorporated into China National Occupational Classification2015-08-12
- >China Strengthens Efforts on Crackdown Patent Infringement and Counterfeiting2015-08-12
- >Latest Report Reflects Improvements in China’s Intellectual Property Development in China National Innovation Index Report 2014 Released2015-07-22
- >New Memoranda of Understanding Signed for IP Cooperation2015-07-20
- >Regulation Tightened for Music Websites2015-07-10
- >China to Set up Standardized IPR Service System2015-07-06
- >Comments Solicited for New National Standards for IP Management by Higher Education and Research Institutions2015-07-01
- >SIPO-ROSPATENT and SIPO-PPO PPH Pilot Programs Extend2015-06-28
- >Taiwan, Korea ink agreement on patent cooperation2015-06-17