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China Innovation Index up 3.1 pct in 2013

The China Innovation Index (CII), which measures innovation capability rose 3.1 percent to 152.8 in 2013, the statistics authority said Monday.


The first CII results were released in April 2013 by a National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) research team, covering the 2005 to 2011 period amid the country's push to build an innovation-driven society.


With a base number of 100 for 2005, the index contains four sub-indices, which measure the innovation environment, input, output and effects.


The sub-indices for innovation environment, input, output and effects rose 4.2 percent, 1.3 percent, 2.6 percent, 4.6 percent separately from 2012 to 150.1, 154.1, 168.4 and 138.4 in 2013.


Guan Xiaojing, a senior analyst with the NBS research group, said the sub-indices in 2013 maintained a steady development compared with the previous year although the growth rate had slowed.


The CII rose 6.2 percent in 2012 to stand at 148.2.


The NBS research team calculated a total of 21 minor indices, including GDP per capita, R&D expenditure, patent granting and energy consumption situation, in order to work out the four sub-index figures.


(Source: Xinhua)

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