事務所案内 AFDニュース サービス理念 獲得された栄誉 クライアントの評価 採用情報 社会的責任
AFD China Organized a Seminar regarding the Recent U.S. Patent Law Reforms

May 31th, Dr. Lei Fang, counsel of Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, came to hold a seminar with Xia Zheng, our president, in the Beijing Office of AFD China. During the presentation, Dr. Fang provided an overview on the up-to-date developments and changes related to the America Invents Act and how the changes will impact prosecuting and enforcing patents in the U.S.

The seminar also offered an open discussion section regarding the practical operation to this new Act. The attendees were energetic and participated in the active and live discussion the whole time and many questions were raised and answered.

The presentation was a success where every participant had learned the possible impact of the US patent reform on the Chinese practitioners which would be useful in the advancement of their work.

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